Hair Update Alert!

Hi Loves!

As Many of you will know I ‘recently’ chopped the majority of my hair off for charity (you can go read about it here) and I have started to do some general updates and tips about having short hair and growing it back in. Today is a bit of a hair update and a bit of a colour change!

Growth Update

Recently I have found that I really like having short hair! Not only am I quite surprised how much it suits my face but I am living for how bloody easy it is. Although I am still known to look mildly like a baby bird when I first get out of bed…but that has more to do with the fact that I am too lazy to dry it before I go to sleep than anything else. I definitely think that I have passed the ‘worst’ point growing out a buzz cut. Before I got my last trim all of my hair was just growing out and was very had to brush into any style. Now I am able to have a parting and my hair generally sits alot better which is a big plus!

Colour Change

During my last hair appointment, I decided that I was bored with my colour (the longer you know me the more you will see a pattern here…). I decided that I wanted to go pale/blonde so that I could dye it lots of bright colours (when I’m not constrained by my current temp job).

As you can imagine lightening my very dark natural hair would be challenging! Kudos to my good friend and steadfast hairdresser Chloe at The Ruby Key Hair Salon in Cheltenham for not telling me I was insane. The salon uses completely organic and cruelty-free products from a brand called Oway and as such the process of lightening the hair is more gentle, this allowed us to do it twice (totally necessary, the first time I was soooo yellow haha), we focused the lightening on the ends of the hair and kept the roots darker so that my eyebrows wouldn’t look weird and it wouldn’t mean I have to maintain my roots (because I’m lazy…). Then on with some serious toner to minimise the brassy tones! Hence the purpleish hue in the photo below, this will lessen once washed and the result with be blonde!

As well as a colour I had some thinning (my hair is seriously thick so this makes it so much more manageable) and a very slight trim and I was done!

BeFunky Collage

I have to say that I absolutely love the colour and cannot wait to go some more crazy colours as soon as I can! I can’t believe how green it makes my eyes look! I will be sure to keep you guys up to date with my continuing hair journey!

Big Hugs,

Pask x

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